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Tattoo aftercare

Aftercare is essential to heal a new tattoo without complications. Learn the best way to care for a minimalist or heavier tattoo.

Before getting a tattoo or treating your skin, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

- Be aware of your personal hygiene. A shower before a sitting is highly recommended.

- Get enough sleep, come to the studio rested. 

- Do not consume alcohol or drugs at least 24 hours before your tattoo and the following 24 hours. 

- Eat something before your sitting. It is not recommended to get a tattoo while fasting. 

- Either ingest or apply anesthetic to the skin. 

- It is important that your skin is intact. Sunburn, redness or irritation are not accepted.

The better you take care of your skin, and thus the tattoo ink, the better the final result will be. It is crucial to follow basic aftercare for the tattoo to heal optimally.: 

- Always wash your hands before touching the tattoo.

- Always wash your hands before touching the tattoo. - Wait a few hours after applying the plastic before removing it. You can wait until you get home. 

- When you go to bed, put on new plastic for the first three nights after getting the tattoo. It shouldn't bleed after that

  • Wash the tattoo with your bare hands, using lukewarm water and neutral soap. Do not use a sponge. 
  • Dry gently with paper towels and light pressure. Do not iron or pull over it. 
  • When the tattoo is clean and dry, apply a small amount of aftercare cream recommended by the tattooist. Smooth over the tattoo until it absorbs the cream and is moisturized. Do not apply too much cream but enough for the skin to absorb it. 

- Repeat the wash-dry-cream process three times a day for a week and a half. 

- After a week and a half, continue moisturizing the tattoo once a day. 

- If scabs or flakes appear, do not remove them. They fall off on their own during the healing process. 

- During the first month, do not sunbathe or sunbathe in a solarium, swim in the sea, lakes, pool or jacuzzi. After the first month, apply well-covering sunscreen over the entire tattoo when you are in the sun. 

For heavier tattoos with a lot of shading and/or colors, a covering plastic film is the best aftercare for your tattoo. 

- Leave the plastic on until the following morning.

- Wash the tattoo with a mild, unscented soap morning and night. Dry by light pressure with a clean towel or paper towels and apply with clean hands a thin layer of tattoo cream recommended by the tattooist.  

- Cover the tattoo with plastic film for the next three days, after cleaning and oiling. This protects the tattoo from chafing against clothes that can irritate as well as from pet fur and other small particles. 

-Your tattoo takes 1 to 2 weeks to heal. During that time, wash and lubricate it twice a day. 

-Washing and showering is perfectly fine, but do not soak the tattoo by basting, bathing, swimming or a really long shower for the first two weeks.

-After a few days the tattoo begins to peel off. Don't pull away and don't scratch! As the healing process begins, your tattoo will begin to itch a lot. It is a sign that it is healing. 

-Once the tattoo has healed, avoid the sun as much as possible. This keeps the tattoo nice for a longer time. The colors will be stronger and the lines will not flow out as much. 

Second skin is self-adhesive and good for smaller tattoos with lighter shading and/or thinner lines. 

- Leave the plastic in place for three days. You can shower and do everything you normally do. 

If the tattoo is still red the morning after, remove the plastic.

- The easiest way to remove it is under warm water. Afterwards, you can wash it off with mild soap. Dry by light pressure with a clean towel or paper towels and apply with clean hands a thin layer of tattoo cream recommended by the tattooist.

-Your tattoo will heal in 1 to 2 weeks. During that time, wash and lubricate it twice a day. 

-Avoid woolen clothes on your newly made tattoo, it irritates it. 

-After a few days the tattoo begins to peel off. Don't pull away and don't scratch! As the healing process begins, your tattoo will begin to itch a lot. It is a sign that it is healing. 

-Once the tattoo has healed, avoid the sun as much as possible. This keeps the tattoo nice for a longer time. The colors will be stronger and the lines will not flow out as much. 

If you have any questions about the healing process, contact us. Do not take advice from friends, it is better to consult the professionals. 

Piercing aftercare

Aftercare is essential to heal a new piercing without complications. Learn the best way to care for your new body adornment.

Getting pierced can cause some pain, it's very individual, but it happens quickly and you usually barely notice it before it's done. Depending on where you get pierced can also depend on how much pain you experience. Ask your piercer for more info.

  • Avoid touching the area without washing your hands.
  • Clean with neutral soap. 
  • After cleaning, dry with paper towels using light pressing movements.
  • Apply antiseptic cream as recommended by the piercer during the healing process. 
  • Do not remove any flakes as it is a protective system for our body, or remove the jewelry. 
  • For tongue, lips or genitals, avoid sexual contact for the next three weeks. 

It depends on where on the body you have been pierced and what type of perforation. The time varies from a few weeks to a few months.

Navel and nipple piercing

This type of piercing requires two to three cleanings per day for 6 to 8 weeks. Always wash your hands before cleaning. Clean thoroughly around and inside. 

Gently touch the jewelry during cleaning to facilitate cleaning and to avoid soap residues inside the hole that can cause infection.

Nose, ear and eyebrow piercing

These types of piercings should be cleaned at least three times a day with neutral soap by massaging around the piercing with light movements. Gently touch the jewelry so that it is properly cleaned. Avoid using makeup and creams during the healing process to avoid infections. 

Healing time: Lobe 4-6 weeks, outer ear 8-12 weeks, eyebrows 6-8 weeks, wing of the nose 6-8 weeks, bridge of the nose 6-12 weeks

Tongue and lip piercing

Oral piercings can be divided into two different categories: internal oral piercings such as tongue, smiley and external oral piercings such as labret, lip, medusa. Both require the same type of aftercare: avoiding alcohol, strong, too hot or too cold food and practicing oral sex during the healing process. Any discomfort or pain should disappear after three days. Internal piercings take approximately 4-6 weeks to heal, always clean after eating, drinking and smoking. Use antibacterial mouthwash for better cleaning. External piercings should be cleaned 2-3 times per day for 6-8 weeks.

Genital Piercings:

There are different ways to perforate these areas and many different types of jewelry to adorn them with. Some of these piercings are applied purely for aesthetic purposes while others can help with stimulation. 

Genital piercings can be very delicate and sensitive and more susceptible to infection. Cleanse at least three times per day with neutral soap to achieve the best healing. Rinse thoroughly to avoid leaving soap residue that could irritate the area. Healing takes approximately 4-6 weeks. 

Ear stretching:

The earlobes are the most common area to stretch, but it is becoming more common to stretch other body parts as well. Stretch marks should be washed daily with neutral soap. Dry thoroughly with paper towels and avoid touching the area during the day. This is also the best way to manage aftercare when the healing process is complete.

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