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Spicy Collective AB

We at Spicy Collective AB protect you and your personal integrity. It is important to us to make you feel safe when you provide us with your information. We therefore process your personal data in an open manner with your privacy in focus.

In this Privacy policy, which applies to everyone who in any way uses Spicy Collective AB's services or products and/or otherwise contacts us, we explain, among other things, how and why we process your personal data and what rights you have according to the applicable privacy laws .

Unless otherwise stated, Spicy Collective AB, org. no. 559368-0183, Rönnvägen 15a, 15336 Järna, ("Spicycollective", "Spicy's""we") which is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

You are always welcome to contact us with any questions regarding this policy or for other data protection issues. Contact information can be found at the end of this policy.

1. What is a personal statement?

Personal data is all information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a physically living person. Examples of this are from social security numbers to e-mail addresses, but encrypted information can also be personal data if it can be linked to physical persons.

What is a "processing" of a personal data?

The term "processing" is broad and covers most personal data. Everything from collection and storage to modification, use or deletion is “processing”.

2. When do we collect personal information about you?

Details you provide to us

We collect and process personal information that you provide to us, for example when you visit our site, purchase a particular product or service, register for our newsletter, contact us or use our digital channels.

Information collected when you use our services

When we use our services, we record information about your use. This information includes which services you use, which pages you visit and how you behave on the website. We use, for example, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Google cloud services and other tools to register information. This information may include operating systems, browser versions, IP addresses, cookies and unique identifiers.

3. Why do we process your personal data?

In order for us to be able to provide services and goods to you, we must process your personal data.

We process your data primarily to:

Manage and provide our services and goods

Handle customer service and other inquiries

Provide information and promote goods and services in which you may be interested

Improve our services and goods, for example by researching and evaluating customer satisfaction or the market.

4. What are the legal grounds for processing your personal data?

In order to process personal data, there is a legal basis for this. Spicy Collective AB processes personal data on the following grounds:

Because the processing of personal data is necessary for us to be able to fulfill an agreement we have with you – e.g. to provide or administer a service you purchased

When personal data processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation, e.g. accounting obligation

Because we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data, e.g. to respond to inquiries about goods or to communicate with you about similar goods and services that you have previously purchased

Because the processing of personal data is permitted because you have given your consent to it.

5. How long do we save your data?

Your personal data will only be processed as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected - for example, as long as it is necessary for us to be able to fulfill the obligations we have in connection with an agreement with you. We may keep the data longer if required by law or to protect our legal interests, for example if there is a legal process.

Your personal data will be deleted or anonymized when they are no longer relevant for the purposes for which they were collected.

6. Profiling

If you are a customer of ours, we will look at how you use our website, which of our products, services and offers you have been interested in, which of our newsletters you have interacted with and which of your events you have registered with, information about your purchases and information about your account holdings. We do this to provide you with offers and invitations to events that we think you would be interested in.

You can object to the processing of personal data through profiling at any time. You can do that by contacting us at order@spicycollective.se

7. Who can we share your information with?

We at Spicy Collective AV do not share your information with anyone other than its partner providers to maintain our services. The services we use and share your information with are the following companies: 

Maichimp – Newsletter tool.
Google Analytics – Used to track traffic and analyze user behavior.
WooCoommerce – e-commerce plugin.
Izettle – Inventory sync & Pay provider
Facebook – Chat with us
Klarna – Pay supplier

By using our website and its micro services, you as a customer accept that we process your data in a secure manner in order to complete the processing as requested.  

7.1 Where is your data processed?

As a starting point, your personal data is processed within the EU. In the event that we use service providers who transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU and EEA, we will take measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legal requirements, for example by requiring the provider to protect the data in accordance with applicable legal requirements. applicable data protection rules. If you would like to know more about the safeguards we have taken, please contact us.

7.2 Your rights Registration and access to your personal data.

As a registered user, you have the right to request the correction of incorrect information at any time or to change the personal data you have provided. You also have the right to know what personal data we have registered about you. This is done by requesting a so-called register extract.

7.3 Withdraw consent

If we process your personal data on a legal basis, you have the right to withdraw your continued consent regarding future processing at any time.

7.4 Right to object to treatments

You have the right to object to treatments that we carry out based on a balancing of interests. You can stop advertising and communications at any time. You can unsubscribe by clicking on a link in the current message or by contacting us.

7.5 Have your data deleted

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. However, this does not apply if we are obliged by law to, for example, preserve the data.

7.5.1 Limitation

You may also have the right to request limited processing of your personal data. However, if you request that the processing of your data be restricted, we may not be able to fulfill our obligations to you during the time that the processing is restricted.

7.6 – Transfer

7.6 - Transfer If you wish to move your information from us, you may also receive a copy of the personal data relating to you, all collected in a structured, machine-readable format (right to data portability). This right only covers information that you have shared with us.

8. Complaints regarding our processing of your personal data

If you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data, please contact us at data order@spicycollective.se if you are not satisfied with our complaint handling process, please submit your complaint to the competent supervisory authority, currently the computer inspection.

9. Contact details for the data protection officer

Spicy Collective AB, org. no. 559368-0183, Rönnvägen 15a, 15336 Järna, Tel: 073 680 23 31, is personally responsible for processing your personal data. For questions about data protection or if you want to use your rights according to above, the easiest way to contact us is: order@spicycollective.se

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy. You will always find the latest version on the site. For updates that are essential to our processing of personal data (such as changes to specified purposes), this will be communicated to you.

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